New candy cane coral


I received my candy cane from FedEd Friday morning. I placed it mid level in my jbj 24 dx. All readings in my tank are perfect, but this coral has yet to reveal itself. I know that my leather hand coral took a day or two to fully expand and needed to be moved several times before he was happy. Just wondering if my placement is correct, or perhaps it needs more or less light and or time. Any suggestions?


that's what I was hoping for. Like I said, I thought my leather hand was sick or something for a day or two.


i have a small branch of candy cane in my 12 gallon jbj and it took several days to open also.
give it some time . they seem to be very dormant especially if disturbed often as mine did when bothered by my hermit crabs climbing on them .
actually during hurricane katrina when i lost power for over 10 days and was running on generator - i had i problem with heat in my tank - imagine that
anyway - while the temps were staying up around 82 - 85 my candy seemed to almost explode in size.
almost wanted to keep the temp up this high always. even my flower pot expanded 4 times it's norm.
hhmmmmmmmm .
candycane is placed on top of a rock about 8-9 inches from the surface of my jbj 12 gal nano if that helps any.
good luck.
i was told they were a bit tempermental when i bought it .
ain't life grande ....


I still haven't seen the candy cane fully expand. Sometimes if I check when my light first comes on I see little white nodes coming out. Not on all of the branches, but some. I don't know. I went to a LFS in my area and saw that their canes were doing the same thing under similar lighting. I'm still waiting for my 70 watt MH. Then a chiller I would assume!! (more $$$$$)