new canister filter suggestions?


ok i have a rena xp3 canister filter and ever since i got it, its been occasionally spitting out bubbles fromn the return nozzle. makes my tank look like crap full of bubbles.
my tank is already set up FOWLR 60 gal.
should i continue to go with a can filter and if so what kind should i buy???
is it ok to add a new can filter to an already established tank???


Active Member
Maybe it's time to look into a DIY sump/fuge type system...??
Could be cheaper than another "can"...


hey squid im listening.. im willing to try a sump/fuge but can i start one to an already set up tank? would i need to drill holes anywhere on my tank?


Active Member
You can add an overflow/sump/fuge at any time in the life of your tank.
As long as your tank is up and running, and you probably don't want to drain and start over, you can skip the "drilled" version and go with a HOB overflow...
Then get the sump/fuge built...get it hooked up and operational and then "wean" the tank off the canister as the fuge becomes mature/functional.
Is this for your 60 gal...? How much room do you have under the stand..Can you fit a 20 long tank under there...?Or would you like to go with a "display" fuge next to the tank...or go all out on an "over the tank" sump/fuge...?
I prefer "glass" tanks cause they're easy to work with, you can cut and silicone "baffels" in fairly easy, and you won't have the"bowing" issues you would with "rubbermaid" containers...
On the other hand rubbermaid containers are cheap and come in a varity of sizes and the "bowing" issues can be "worked through"
What kind of tank do you have Fish/aggressive Fish/Mixed Fish and Reef/Reef only...?


i have a 60 gal FOWLR, ill post a pick for ya.
i have enough room for a 20 sump under the tank, although i have no idea
how to start it and im not handy. can i put my aqua c remora hang on skimmer in the sump?
i just dont like the appearance of the skimmer with prefilter box, return nozzle and intake in my tank.
i like the HOB overflow idea, can u help me with that?


squidd, to the left of the tank is my prefilter box, its black so its hard to see it but its very visible trust me, to the right is the heater and intake.
i think i can make a sump and put a HOB Overflow to the left of the tank.
it would look like a tower on the left hand side with a nozzle sticking out of the tower correct? I th ink i like that idea, can u tell me all the suppllies i would need to get this started?
i appreciate your help everyone :)


Active Member
This is a simple DIY/HOB overflow...
The ones you buy look simular...some are acrylic "boxes" with no "U" tubes...
You would have this and a "return" line "visiable in you tank ...everything else would be in the stand...
Not sure what you mean by "tower"...??