New Canopy


I finally finished my new canopy today! Let me know what you think. Also for you wanna be DIY'ers, I have a friend that owns an acrylic and wood shop. He has built many tanks for local fish stores here and has a great imagination for incredible tanks.
If you would like more information, let me know.
Anyway here is the before and after shots:
Before -


nice looking canopy, im making one for my 125 in woodshop. what kind of filters are you using on that one? Penguin Bio Wheels?


thats what filteration i was planning on buying, would that work for a 125? either that or one Emperor bio-wheels and two Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filters


I believe that it would work for a 125. I was prepared to buy a 150 when I bought my current tank and the expert that I deal with at my LFS said that I could have used the same filtration.


That is one of the things that makes me not want to do one of those "Trading Spaces" shows! I could just see coming home and having my tanks being transformed into a wishing well with neon pink stand and canopy or emptied and removed!
People would have to die at that point.


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Sales of Magnolia coloured paint have rocketed in England since The House Doctor was shown!!!!