new carpet anemone

i just got a 5 inch atlantic carpet anemone and the websites i've checked say to feed it meaty chunks. wat kind of meaty chunks do i feed it, got mysis n brine shrimp if thats it but if it would want something bigger i'm not sure what to feed it, its got about a 1 inch mouth on it.


feed it silversides they seem to like those just put it in its mouth and it will close up around it

au mister

My BTA seems to like krill. I was not trying to feed it krill but when i feed my triggerfish my clown fish took the krill to my BTA and he eats it every time.


I recently got a carpet as well and made sure to get some squid for it. I have yet to see this guy eat. Only 2 fish in the tank right now and they aren't getting near him. He's been looking real good for the 2 weeks I've had him but even when I put the piece of squid on him he just releases it and goes about his normal business.


I feed my carpet, Roe when I can find it. Main food I use is squid,scallops,shrimp. Scallops he loves. Here is a pic of mine


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltwaternube
i just got a 5 inch atlantic carpet anemone and the websites i've checked say to feed it meaty chunks. wat kind of meaty chunks do i feed it, got mysis n brine shrimp if thats it but if it would want something bigger i'm not sure what to feed it, its got about a 1 inch mouth on it.
What type of lighting do you have, and how deep is your tank?
The answer to that question will determine if you "need" to feed it or not. Or if the anemone will even live in your tank. Pretty much as to what.. has already been answered but over feeding can be more stressful than it will do good.