New Ciliatas Mantis Shrimp


Active Member
Well I haven't started a new thread on here in a while so I thought I would introduce my new ciliatas (mantis shrimp) She is about 2 inches long dark green with blue markings. A real neat addition to my collection. I have her in a ten gallon tank with a HOB filters, soon she will be moved into a 29 gallon tank I am making, it will run off the sump for the new 65 gallon lion tank it will be next to. Thanks for looking.



Active Member
Very Nice Al!! Congrats on a great purchase!! I have always liked them, but never ever even thought about buying one lol. I like to stick my hands in my tanks too often, and I really like my fingers LMAO.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/393202/new-ciliatas-mantis-shrimp#post_3496259
OHHHHH CONGRATS......Can't wait to see more pics
Thanks meowzer!!
Originally Posted by luvmyreef
Very Nice Al!! Congrats on a great purchase!! I have always liked them, but never ever even thought about buying one lol. I like to stick my hands in my tanks too often, and I really like my fingers LMAO.....

From what I have heard the ciliatas are the calmest of the mantis shrimp, those big eyes follow you around when you walk in the room.


I dunno about the calmest...they're not crazy cryptic like many of them. They're pretty brutal when they're offered live fish...our specimen would snatch them up and repeatedly stab them to death while holding onto them. That being said, it fed from a stick most of the time.