New Clam Pics


Well after getting rid of our clam killing machine (sally lightfoot) we decided to give them another shot here are our new clams. They are in a 37 gallon under a 150 metal halide about ten inches from the light.


I feel the top down show it best.
Ill post pics of the golden derasa that was killed. Was truly amazing.


Active Member
You have a maxima in a 37g??? You do realize they get to 15" in the home aquarium right?
Thats going to be HUGE in that tank when an adult!


Active Member
The outcurrent siphon is the little "knob" looking thing towards the middle of the mantle. This is where it release feces and other organic matter. In the pic it looks like the incurrent siphon (the slit) is above the outcurrent siphon? If that is the case, you should probably spin it around because it is releasing toxins into it's own mouth.


Active Member
nice clam! dont worry about the max size for now. it will take quite a few years b4 reaching 15 inches.


Originally Posted by candycane
The outcurrent siphon is the little "knob" looking thing towards the middle of the mantle. This is where it release feces and other organic matter. In the pic it looks like the incurrent siphon (the slit) is above the outcurrent siphon? If that is the case, you should probably spin it around because it is releasing toxins into it's own mouth.
youre talking about on the crocea right? If I could move him i would but he is very firmly entrenched in his home the max is not quite found a favorite spot yet. Im really sure that he isnt going to get that big in a few months. I new tank has already been well thought out and picked out.

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by whyamisofl
You have a maxima in a 37g??? You do realize they get to 15" in the home aquarium right?
Thats going to be HUGE in that tank when an adult!
yeah but we'll all be dead before that happens.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
yeah but we'll all be dead before that happens.
Hahaha. Youre crocea looks very happy, is the maxima always that closed? Or was that just the pictures? Reason being, if its always that closed, you may want to readup on pinched mantle disease.


the crocea has been in there a couple weeks longer than the maxima as I had just put the max in a few days before that. He looks much better now and finally has found a place he likes. even though he has turned in a not so good viewing way


Active Member
I think the mantle looks fine. In most cases with maximas and croceas, pinched mantle is REALLY noticeable.


thanks again for your input on that matter candycane. the more I read through the clam forum the more I recognize how knowledgeable you are on them. I still need to get pictures posted of my derasa that met an untimely demise. out of all the things that have come and gone in my reef it is the one thing I would kill to have back.


well here is my beautiful derasa that met an untimely demise. Can you guess the culprit?

This is the same clam viewed at different angles. truly beautiful in my eyes.

hope you all enjoy


Active Member
The dreaded Asterinas. Looks like they may have weakened it while something else probably swooped in while it was out.


actually the asterinas may have played a part but the sally lightfoot decided to rip its foot out. he is no longer with us. even if it did involve taking the entire tank apart to get him


Active Member
Originally Posted by n8ball2013
actually the asterinas may have played a part but the sally lightfoot decided to rip its foot out. he is no longer with us. even if it did involve taking the entire tank apart to get him
I would have to say, what? Do you have any pics of that? Byssal Organs are attached to the foot (for all intensive purposes but not actually part of). The byssal strands are what clams use to attach to rocks. The strands, gland and foot can all hold up to hurricanes without being ripped out. Even if the sally was to cut at it, it takes an EXTREMELY sharp object (like a welder, LOL, just kidding - but usually a razor) to cut byssal strands, or cut a byssal organ in half or foot in half. Plus that is pretty small sally lightfoot.
I love seeing pics that prove me wrong becase it gives me something else to study (as stupid as that may sound,
Edit: I gotta know more about this. Was it holding something at the time? The sally lightfoot? A foot looks like a piece of white rubber and byssal organ looks like an hour glass (eh, rough reference), that is nearly transparent - but still takes a box cutter to get through either. That is all unless the clam just decided to let go of it's byssal organ and the sally lightfoot just happened to pick it up.


I dont have any pictures of it as i was pretty disgusted by it. I came in one day and it was on its side while the sally lightfoot went to work on its foot area. it had already dug out a large chunk of it and it never seemed to recover after that. slowly died off from there.