Hi all, my name is Craig and I'm new to this forum.
I have a question about the clarki that I bought 4 days ago. Since I put the Clarki in his new home all he does is hang out in the corner behind some rocks.
The only time he comes out is to eat, which he does very well. Then its back to the corner. Is this common?
The aquarium that he is in is a 65 gal, that is 6 weeks old. The last readings I took on the tank was on 7-31 and PH was 7.8, Amonia 0 Nitrite 1.0 Nitrate .5
His tank companion is a Coral Beauty Angelfish that is vey active. When the fish are feeding there is no aggression between the two.
Both of the fish are about 3".
I have a question about the clarki that I bought 4 days ago. Since I put the Clarki in his new home all he does is hang out in the corner behind some rocks.
The only time he comes out is to eat, which he does very well. Then its back to the corner. Is this common?
The aquarium that he is in is a 65 gal, that is 6 weeks old. The last readings I took on the tank was on 7-31 and PH was 7.8, Amonia 0 Nitrite 1.0 Nitrate .5
His tank companion is a Coral Beauty Angelfish that is vey active. When the fish are feeding there is no aggression between the two.
Both of the fish are about 3".