New Clarki question



Hi all, my name is Craig and I'm new to this forum.
I have a question about the clarki that I bought 4 days ago. Since I put the Clarki in his new home all he does is hang out in the corner behind some rocks.
The only time he comes out is to eat, which he does very well. Then its back to the corner. Is this common?
The aquarium that he is in is a 65 gal, that is 6 weeks old. The last readings I took on the tank was on 7-31 and PH was 7.8, Amonia 0 Nitrite 1.0 Nitrate .5
His tank companion is a Coral Beauty Angelfish that is vey active. When the fish are feeding there is no aggression between the two.
Both of the fish are about 3".


Welcome to the boards
Being the tank is still new, have you been checking the water during the cycle. Nitrites 1.0--are they on the rise or are they coming down?
What is in the tank live sand or crushed coral----any live rock. Usually just after a cycle you add a cleanup crew (hermit crabs -snails-etc) they are more hardy then a week after then add a fish or two.
Keep an eye on the nitrites, they should be at 0.
As for the clown, he is probably still getting use to his new home. Clowns are not big swimmers so for the most part they will hang out in one area venturing sometimes but going back to the spot he feels most comfy in.
hope this helps.