New clean up crew.


Luner wrassel ate my C.U.C. so I currently do not have a clean up crew and wanted to get snails and shrimp. I have a 125 reef with a few tangs(2 naso 1 yellow), a school of green cromes, and a damsel.
Also 1 starfish and some flat crab that picks at all the rock work for anything.(worms i guess).
What shrimp and snails should I get? and how many?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrTITO
Luner wrassel ate my C.U.C. so I currently do not have a clean up crew and wanted to get snails and shrimp. I have a 125 reef with a few tangs(2 naso 1 yellow), a school of green cromes, and a damsel.
Also 1 starfish and some flat crab that picks at all the rock work for anything.(worms i guess).
What shrimp and snails should I get? and how many?
Dude... you're gonna have to ditch that Lunar Wrasse if you want a CUC, that's why they do, eat inverts LOL...
You'd need something like a black long spined urchin or something or try a few abalones ($20 a pop though...but effective) since they come out at night to eat algae while the wrasse is asleep. Any shrimp will most definitely get owned by the wrasse. Try also looking into a turf scrubber as that will grow algae in one location in the tank (look in the reef section for santa monica's thread on the mega nitrate&phosphate remover.) Some sponges might not hurt either in combination with the scrubber as they'll filter feed out excess food and organics in the water, but they don't tolerate inorganics (the testable nitrates and phosphates.)


Its already out that is why I want to get a new C.U.C. the wrassel is in a old F.O. tank that will has bin sold complete with water I will add $20 for the fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrTITO
Its already out that is why I want to get a new C.U.C. the wrassel is in a old F.O. tank that will has bin sold complete with water I will add $20 for the fish.

LOL... nice.
Just don't go overboard on a CUC.
6 abalones work well, get a tongan fighting conch, and a bunch of nassarius snails (20). You have a few crabs and stuff right? What kind of starfish do you have? That should take care of everything right there lol.


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
LOL... nice.
Just don't go overboard on a CUC.
6 abalones work well, get a tongan fighting conch, and a bunch of nassarius snails (20). You have a few crabs and stuff right? What kind of starfish do you have? That should take care of everything right there lol.
Abalones?? Are they here on


Maybe 1 but I am not up to getting more, never was a big fan of any.
What about shrimp ? What would you recommend


Well I am thinking I will get a 15 differnt snails ,as for the shrimp ,10 peperment and a mated pair of coral banded shrimps.
Would this work ? will they fight ?


no if they r mated they will not fight but if the r not mated they will fight till one kill another.......... ya get a cleaner or a fire shrimp


Originally Posted by MR.reef
no if they r mated they will not fight but if the r not mated they will fight till one kill another.......... ya get a cleaner or a fire shrimp
I ment if the mated pair of banded shrimp would fight the 10 peperment shrimp.?


Is this a BAD idea? Will a C.U.C. of shrimp and snails NOT work ? I dont like hermits ripping everything apart.
Any recommendation as to what to add.