new clown added, how long till....

i already had another female tomato clown in there. i bought one that hadnt changed sexs yet (suposedly). its way smaller, but the bigger one (female) will kinda harrass it a little. at first the small one went right to the anenome where the other always is and thy hung out for a couple mins. i was like wow that was fast, but then this morning the little guy was hiding and the big one will follow it around. it wont attack it but i think it nips at it a little.
how long should i wait for them to get a along, or should i get the new one out now???


Ideally when getting clown fish you want to buy them at the same time to cut down on agression. That is the best way to go.


You can also try feeding them more often, that can cut down on aggression. Turning off the lights helps too. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places.