New clown fish-need help


I just started a saltwater system and added 3 clown "Nemo" clowns. On the third day, the small one seemed to be gasping and began staying towards a front corner. In addition, he/she would/could not get above 1/2 inch off the substrate. I now have this fish in a quarantine tank. Seems to be breathing netter, but still stays in the corner, low to tank. Does seem to be eating better now. All levels are good in both tanks.
Anyone encounter this or have info/advice? I am new to saltwater fish, so any information will be helpful.
Thanks. Steve


i added a fish 3 days after u started the tank!?!?!?! they r likly in the cyle and are getting tourchered witha ammonia spike!!! get him out and ask ur lfs what to do for the cycle
same with ur qt
u should only have 2 in a tank that will pair up if u have three 2 will pair up and kill the other
do u know anything about salt water tanks??? like anything at all??? what supplies do u have running filtration protien skimmer power heads heater how much live rock and live sand u have???


Thanks for the response. The third day I had the fish is when I saw the trouble. The tank has been running a few weeks before adding some Chromis. 75 gallon tank with appx 80lbs of live rock and live sand mixed in with crushed coral. Levels are good. Using a Coral life super skimmer and a Rena XP3 canister filter (this is a fish and live rock only system). Also one powerhead. I am new to saltwater fish and have done some research before getting the system up and running. However, I still have much to learn.
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.


Active Member
One of the clowns will need to go back or two will gang up on the third one and eventually kill it. What are your exact water parameters?