New Clown Goby Help


I got a new Clown Goby on Tuesday. He is hiding out all day in the live rock. The only time I see him is at night with the lights off, then he's swimming around the tank. The problem is he's not eating. He doesn't come out to eat when I feed the other fish. I tried feeding him tonight while he was the only one swimming. I tried frozen mysis and prime reef flake, he seems to be ignoring both of them. He's swimming around and looks healthy, it's just at night though. Should I be concerned yet, or give him another day or two to acclimate to the tank?


I hope your right, I find it strange he's so active at night. I'll just keep watching him and make sure he looks healthy.


Active Member
Maybe hes just still alittle scard. There is a green clown goby at this one store I go to, and hes never out in the open, I always have to look into the rocks and sorals to see him, maybe its just the way they are.


Active Member
more than likely if its about swimming at night its eating pods. live zooplankton is what they eat. you may have to start feeding brine shrimp and slowly adding frozen with the brine to get it to eat frozen. they take a good while to settle in but as long as you dont have any fish harrassing it, it should eventually start perching out.
I dont know if you have a reef tank but they do much much better with corals present. Hiding in the liverock is a poor substitute for what the fish is used to seeking shelter in.


I don't have a reef yet, I am in the process of setting up a used 180 that has some corals and I just purchased my first few shrooms in my tank, so eventually it will be a reef and here in the few weeks the little guy will at least have some corals. As for pods, if that's what he's eating great, my tank is loaded with them.
Thanks for you help.