New Clown HELP!


Got a new clown today. After acclimating, dropping it into the tank. The clown is swiming up and down in a corner. What does this mean?
Also, the clow chews my pellets for a second then spit it back out, what does this mean?
Please help. Thank you.


Active Member
i have a maroon clown. He hangs out in the back corner under a piece of live rock. Its a cave type things back there. He might jsut like the shelter. Whats in the corner? does he jsut swim there or is he actualy like leaning against it? What are you paramiters?


nothing in the corner. he just swims up and down the corner hugging the glass.
amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 1
ph 8.2


New Member
You have to remember that fish like hidding places. If they don't have enough hiding places they aren't going to feel comfortable swimming around the tank. I have 2 clowns and they like staying in the same corner, especially at night. As for the food, it depends on how long they've been in the tank. For the first week or so, my clowns wouldn't eat anything (even brine!). Now they eat almost anything I put in there (brine, flakes, it doesn't matter!).


I have plenty of holes, swim throughs with my live rock. but the fish has never even went to explore the live rock yet.
He just swims in the corner up and down non stop. I thought I had read some where that meant some thing, I just couldn't remember what.


if you just got the clowns its very common behavior. Soon they will get the courage to go out a little, then dart back in. Eventually they will get the guts to stay out. They are just getting used to their surroundings. This can take even up to a few weeks. Also its common that clowns sleep up there at night too. I would just give it a little while. They will start to venture out.

jonny bolt

I have a tank raised Maroon Clown. After a 2 hour acclimation, I put him in the tank and he was drawn to the right rear corner of the tank. He swam up and down, hugging the glass for a day or 2 I think. He displayed the same antics yours is now. I would give him a few days before really worrying. He's in a new "body of water" and is probably just confused. After a few days, my Clown started venturing around the tank, but although he stopped hanging out in the right rear corner, he still for the most part hangs on the right side of the tank. He doesnt mind being out in the open. Actually, he doesnt even care about the LR or any hiding spots. This might sound weird and unbelievable, but my Clown sleeps in the front top right corner of my tank, between the side glass and the thermometer that hangs there. I dont what it is, but that his spot. When I turn the lights out at night, I watch him paddle his little fins as fast as he can up to his bed lol. I just looked, and he is up there right now getting ready for bed haha. Can barely see him cuz of the black plastic trim of the tank.
some fish will display weird behavior, and some really do have their own personalities. I would give your fish a few days in his new home. Also, my Clown sometimes spits out the food too. I noticed him doing that when I first got him, especially when he would pick up sinking food that had already hit the sand. He would spit out the food to get rid of any sand on it. I've had him for like 3 weeks, and he is fine now.


Thanks for the advise. I hope my clown is just trying to adjust to his new surrounding.
In the mean time, since he is not eating, how should I feed him?

salty cheese

Active Member
Mine did the same thing, up and down, up and down.
After it starts getting aggressive you'll wish it would just swim up and down in the corner.
Mine has a hearty appetite; it likes squid, mysis and cocktail shrimp.

jonny bolt

I feed mine Hikari Marine S. Expensive, but its good all around cuz my clown, atlantic pygmy angel, and orange spotted goby all eat it. I also feed them live brine shrimp, and the maroon clown is now eating them, he didnt when I first got him. I also give them frozen food to, pretty much once a day, usually at lunch time. It's Sally's Emerald Entree.


Just to reaffirm what has been said (strength in numbers) i had on that did the up and down for a week and then claimed the spot next to my power head, and now that is his spot and nobody can do anything about it. so dont worry just keep up on him.


Just to reaffirm what has been said (strength in numbers)

Thank you!
Regarding the eating problem. Should I just keep feeding him what I got even thou hes not eating it? How long for him to not eat before I should get worried?


I tried everything, and went as far as using flakes, and that got mine eating. they loved the flakes. they would what looked like eat it and spit it back out. but on further observation they were actally biting off more palatable pieces. after a few days they started chowing on everything that i would put in. if you got it try it.......


Active Member
:D love my clown. he did the powerhead ownership thing for about a month or two, then finally took to my pink anen. likes flake food, but REALLY likes reptile sticks:confused: it's way cool how he/she will attack anything to get food and then just bring it back to the anen. it will never, ever go beyond 6 inches from the rock it's anen has decided on.


i got my clowns yesterday (percs)
they swam all around right away. my lights are off in the tank, and the smaller one is just kinda sittin on the live rock and the bigger one is swimmin all over the right side. they already are tending to stay on the right side of the tank, but they swim to the other side pretty often. its only a 20 gallon so its small, but my sally lightfoot likes the left side which is good cause i dont want him messin with my clowns.


Hey, I am having the same issue with my true percs I got on saturday. One eats like a pig the other smaller one takes the food in but spits it out. I have tryed mysis, pellets, formula1 flake and brine flake soaked in garlic but still wont do anything but spit it out. Hopeing that he will turn around soon and start eating it. They both look good so far. Any other hints to get them to feed?


I got it figured out.
They are not eating the pallets because the pallets are just too big to pass through their throat. (if they have such a thing as a throat)
What my smart clown does now is that he bites the pallet in half and eat it half at a time :happy: :happy: I think he has had a good meal just now.
so next time I feed, i will try to break up the pallet into smaller pieces before feeding him.
BTW I already bought the smallest pallet size they sell at the fish store.

jonny bolt

Yup, thats definitely it. I figured that out after watching my baby Maroon Clown spit out live brine shrimp when I first got him. I was like WTF?...passin' up a free live meal? lol. He's tank taised, but was still small when I got him. He's gotten just a bit bigger, now he has an easier time eating stuff.
Good observation! Good luck. I hope your clown does well :)


yea they are taking small bites.... what ive found is the longer its in the water the easier it is for them to eat it whole... so maybe soak it or somethin first?