new clown trigger questions


I got a great 4 inch clown trigger for my 70 to add to a volitan, a niger trigger and a ribbon eel.
How soon before he attacks my cleaner shrimp, sally lightfoot, and black urchins? Hes ignored them for 3 days, but I dont think Ill be lucky for long...
Will he wait until hes bigger?


Active Member
He will probably start soon. I have had numerous clowns, the largest about 12 inches. They are very curious, surprisingly devious and smart too. Now, they will wait to get established. once he is really settled... he will probably go to town. He might just destroy them. He will most likely go after that ribbon eel sometime too. If he gets too crowded with the niger... he will just stress him out and nip him a lot. Good luck. :cool: