New clown


hey I'm thinking of buying another clown so I can breed, I'm just wondering the steps I should take I'm adding one. I have had one n the tank for like five months. And also if anyone noes, can I only put live rock in there or can I put another kind? Thanxx


has the clown ever been with another clown?
try to get a smaller clown thats docile (given you can watch the characteristics at a store)
live rock, fake decorations, fake anemone's dont really matter. The only thing that matters is the water quality and temp. liverock will aid in filtration but if you want to breed just a soft substrate as well as a clay pot will suffice


Cuze these are nice colored and stuff they are kept alone. He's never really been mean from wat I can tell. And I meat can I put different rock in the tank. Like I have some rocks in my fresh water tank I wanna use can I use thouse?