New Clowns


Active Member
Today I picked up 2 Clarki Clowns and a BTA. The owner helped pick out two that one was bigger and the other was smaller so they'd pair up nicely.
They are doing good and seemed like the big female showed the male who's boss. The purple tang didn't like new comers at first and is getting pretty aggressive. The lfs said I could trade him in for 30$ store credit if the purple tang lives 72hrs. If there is more aggression I will consider it. Here are some pics.



Active Member
Clowns will show who`s boss[female] to show she is the dominant one . That is common behavior for a purple tang and should be the last fish added to your tank for that reason alone .


Active Member
Well the aggression is down and the little male found the BTA and is starting to host. The female spent the night with the anemone but returned to the other side this morning. I got some pics I will get on here soon.


Active Member
Glad things are calming down . Also , not sure if you know but , keeping the tank lights off and room lights off for the first few hours help when adding new fish to a tank . Along with moving the decor or LR around a bit before adding fish helps also.


Active Member
I was so excited they started hosting so soon. Hopefully the female will start hosting a little more.


Active Member
What do you mean? It looks like a Clarki to me. It is one of the darker Clarki but that's the only thing I noticed. I trust the guys at the lfs and the seller also showed us Sebae but I like Clarki becuase they are some of the easiest to bred.


New Member
Sebaes have a little more white towards the tail..Just look at the pictures on the fish page, and you will see the difference...Like an Oscellaris and Percula..Just a small color variation


Active Member
The ones advertised at, the clarki has a white band at the tail, so does mine. Do you seriously think mine is a sebae? Or are you just considering it?


Active Member
I got a question about Clarki. I left my Clownfish book at my moms and I believe it didn't mention but how many Clarki eggs are layed and how many are projected to survive? I know in the wild it is like 40,000 eggs, but I don't think they'd lay that many in the home aquaruim? Also my dad thinks there's money in it and I'm trying to convince him otherwise.


Active Member
As for how many eggs are layed and survival rate . Lying will depend on the fish . Usually a low count the first few times , but have heard can get 500 count with some clowns . Survival , it depends on how ready you are to take the eggs and and take care of the fry . There is no promise yours will ever spawn , just because you have two Clarkiis doesn`t mean they will mate . I have a pair of perculas that have been cleaning the tile for a few months now and still waiting to see some eggs . They are acting like they are going to any day but it can be up to months from now or never .


Active Member
I know it is a hit and miss. I'm was trying to convince my dad out of it, but I'll go for it. I know that the larvae require a lot of care and this is going to take a big setup for all the food cultivating. I think I'll just get the 55g with them setup and worry about raising larvae after I see some eggs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Watson4
Also looks like a Sebae as compared to a Clarki..Just a heads up
Yea, I noticed that too.


Active Member
Hey just wondering, my clarki were shaking their tails around a rock last night. What does this mean?


Active Member
That's what my dad thought.
But I was wondering if they're cleaning off a rock for eggs or just getting to know each other better. The female doesn't look like she's carrying any eggs and I haven't seen any protection of the rock for the past two days.
Besides it was a tank party what is everyones 2 cents?


You're clarkii's are more then likely years away from any possible spawn. It doesn't even sound like they've bonded yet. Patience, it's going to be awhile, if at all.
Even spawning pairs that change tanks take months to begin spawning again.