New Condy Hiding


New Member
Hi! I have a 150 gallon reef tank. I know that anemones are only supposed to be placed in established tanks, but my husband got excited and we tried a couple of condys. One is doing really well and seems comfortable in it's little area, but the other swam around in one big circle and then darted to the bottom in the back of the tank, and attached itself to the underside of the live rock. It is very hard to see, and I can't tell if it's eating, because I can't see it. I read that when they die, they immediately start to fall apart, so I don't think it is dead, but I'm a bit disappointed that it chose it's place where no one can see it(especially since I read that they tend to choose a spot and stay in that area), and also that I can't observe it.
Will it eventually move as it becomes more comfortable in the tank? Should I try to move it. I would rather not move the live rock, since it is 150+ lbs of live rock stacked and staggered for support. I am pretty sure something would be crushed or killed if I tried. Should I just leave the poor thing alone and be sure to place flow in its direction so that food gets down there? Any advice would be appreciated.
Also, the guy at LFS put both anemones in the same bag. I asked about this, but he assured me it was fine. I don't think it was fine, because they seemed pretty stressed and when I put them in the tank they swam in opposite directions. Also, how many anemone should I place in a 150 gallon tank? I ahve three clowns, but I understand that the anemones may not host them, vice versa. If I go another one I was thinking of the carpet anemone.

mr. limpid

Active Member
They will move to a spot of there choosing, attempts to move one could damage its foot resulting in death. Even if you move the rock its is on it could move again. Placing in same bag was fine, they were stressed by the change. 3 clowns in same tank will cause problems down the road 2 will mate up and the third will be killed. As for anemone's you should not place different types in same tank they will fight.


New Member
Thanks! Will the clowns pair up and mate even if I have two orange ocellaris and one black ocellaris clownfish? How can I tell male/females apart?

mr. limpid

Active Member
all clowns are male at first, then one will turn female and pick a mate. You will know which one by them doing a shake dance together, almost looks like fighting but they are vertical to each other. At this time I would remove the third one or it days are numbered. They larger of the two is the female. Once eggs are laid the mail tends to the eggs more than the female. But both will tend to the eggs.