new coral beauty is attacking my purple firefish HELP!!!!


New Member
I have had a purple firefish in my tank for about 2 months and last week I introduced a coral beauty angelfish. the coral beauty was okay for the first couple of days but I guess that it is getting used to the new environment now and it is starting to attack the purple firefish. Is this something that they need to work out on their own, or will this possibly cause harm to the firefish??


Well, let me ask you a few questions about your tank... how big is is, how much LR, and when you say "attack" do you mean just chase around the tank or bite and leave marks?


Active Member
You might want to try rearranging your rocks some to "mess up" the established territories.


New Member
Originally Posted by 120reefer
Well, let me ask you a few questions about your tank... how big is is, how much LR, and when you say "attack" do you mean just chase around the tank or bite and leave marks?
I have a 75G tank with about 70 lbs of LR. By "attack" I mean the purple firefish will be just sitting there and the CBA will come from inside the rocks and chase it. I have not seen any noticable bite marks. I also have two gold striped maroon clowns and the CBA does not seem to bother them at all. The clowns and the firefish get along good, I know that the maroon clowns are usually aggressive.


hmm.. everything sounds good.. i would try what alyssia suggested, doesn't always work but theres a good chance it might