new coral beauty


New Member
I just put a new coral beauty in my tank on Tuesday night and it is now Thursday afternoon and I have seen it eat yet. It is not showing any obvious signs of disease, but just seems really shy. I have a tomato clown, a cleaner wrasse, and three blue tangs in the tank also. The coral beauty just hangs out down by the live rock and won't come up to the top when the others are feeding. I have been feeding flakes and frozen brine shrimp. The other fish hog all the food and the food doesn't even get a chance to drift down to the bottom where the coral beauty is. Any ideas on how to get it to eat or what other food I should try? The fish seems fine, just too shy to come up to the top of the tank with the other fish.


Hi Tinman,
Im NO expert, but I have been considering a Coral Beauty so Ive done some reading.
Did you see it eat at the fish store? Thats the biggie..they should keep them there until they eat..then you know they survived being shipped ok. I read they are pretty hardy and that most deaths come about shortly after transport to your lfs. Trauma, water temp change, stuff like that. If they arrive in good shape they'll eat at the store.
Another thing Ive read is that tangs will bother them *sometimes*. The reason Ive held off is #1, I have a Yellow Tang...I'm conecerned that he'll bother the Angel, and #2 I'm waiting a week to see if it acclimates at my lfs. If it eats there, I'll take it.
My tang took days and days before he he pushes everyone else aside, so I wouldnt worry too much at this point. I think theyre really beautiful..I hope yours makes it!


Active Member
I also wouldn't be concerned if it doesn't eat for a few days. That's pretty normal until they get comfortable in their new home. They are also grazers so it may be getting some food off of your lr.


Active Member
BTW, three tangs in a 90gal tank is really pushing it. You may be overstocking your tank.