New Coral Beauty


I just put a little coral beauty in my tank. This was about three days ago. It pretty much hid until today, which I understand is quite normal, but I now notice that its top fins look raggidy. I don't know if it was like that when I bought it and I didn't notice, or if it tore it on a rock, or if my yellow tail damsel might have nipped it. I haven't seen him chasing it around, but he can be cranky. Otherwise the Beauty seems happy enough, and is now swimming about fairly steadily. Should I do anything for him? Will these fins repair themselvs? Thanks.


New Member
in the future, you might want to think about using a ten gallon tank, to quaratine your next fish ;)

nm reef

Active Member
Are you able to post a pic? Sounds like possible HLLE...but I'm no diesease person....try in the disease and treatment forum...those folks know their stuff....may be damage like you said....but see what they say....I hope it pulls through....I've got one and its a great addition....make sure it has a good diet of algaes and meaty foods also...mine loves a little fresh calupera now and then along with a regular offering of seaweed selects