New coral frag pics!


Got some new corals today

I also had a question. What can get get to help clean my sand in my 55 gallon? I have about 25 Nassarius snails. The sand still looks kinda dirty. I siphon but debris still build up. Would a cumcumber help? Maybe more flow?
Thanks and heres the pics:

4" short ten. fungia plate coral:

Aussie Platygyra Maze brain coral 2" frag:

Green mushroom and yellow sponge tonga rock:


New Member
I had a 75gallon reef and about 5 sand sifting stars. My sand was kept pretty clean between them and 2 gobies.


Originally Posted by lolGranny
I had a 75gallon reef and about 5 sand sifting stars. My sand was kept pretty clean between them and 2 gobies.
Thanks for the reply.I have a sand sifting star. Hasn't helped to much to clean the sand as it eats microfauna not detrius.
I may try a sand sifting goby.
I am having some algae issues too. AGH! I don't like it. i think I need some more astrea snails. They are awesome for rocks.
Has anyone had good sucess with sand sifting cucumbers cleaning the sand? I have heard some are toxic.