new coral IDs please


few new corals and a few old that im looking for names of if possible
first one is a zoa of some type, purple center, orange band around purple, yellow/light green tentacles
second is another zoa, either a blue hornet or purple hornet if i had to guess
third, another zoa, purple center, green band, orange tentacles
fourth is hard to describe, another zoa, pale pink center, brownish band with pink speckles all over, orange/red tentacles, reminds me of a darth maul because of the speckles, but i highly doubt thats what it is
fifth one is some type of mushroom, glows at night, brown with light green



sixth is another zoa, purple/blue center with a red band/tentacles
seventh is cup coral skeleton with what i believe is some of the cup coral left, only a few polyps
if this is a cup coral, will the polyps eventually spread and look brand new again? only paid 5 bucks for it, but still want it to make it
thanks for all the help!!!



Active Member
#5 looks to be a Rhodactis sp. hairy mushroom.
The pagoda cup coral Turbinaria sp.
may have a hard time encrusting back over the skeleton with the algae growth. If it were me I might be tempted to frag the good part. Let's see what some others have to say.
Can't help with the common names for the zoas.


that might be a good idea(fragging) but the biggest polyp is actually surrounded by dead and algae
and that was my guess on the 5th picture, thanks for the reply