New Coral


What are easy coral for a beginner like myself to start off with. I bought star polyops yesterday and it has yet to open up, is there anything I can do??????? I don't have the lighting to house anenomoes.

fish addict

yellow polyps are really easy. They are hardy, grow like crazy, and don't need too much light. I think the only thing you can do for the star polyps is keep your water quality good and give them time.


I have 2 Coralife 50/50 light bulbs. 360 output 18 inch 15 watt 1''dia fluorescent. Just checked on my star poloyp and still not open


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandib
I have 2 Coralife 50/50 light bulbs. 360 output 18 inch 15 watt 1''dia fluorescent. Just checked on my star poloyp and still not open
this is what would be considered SUPER low light, mushrooms maybe not much else, if your going to run Regular output flourescents your better off buying one actinic bulb and one 10k they are more efficient than the 50/50 bulbs are, but i would reccomend an upgrade to a better lighting system if you plan on keeping corals.