New Coral...


hi i just bought my first coral frag. it is a colored colt coral...its pink and about 1" high now when i bought this is wasnt connected yet to the snail shell he placed it in so i pulled it out and it looks kinda brownish on the bottom where it will attach is it still ok? i rubber banded it to a piece of should attach righT?


Active Member
Is it dyed? All the pink colts I've seen were dyed that color. Rubberbanding is fine, it will attach in a week or so.


Active Member
can you take a pic of the brown part? does it look sick.. maybe infected or like its damaged in some way?


i tried taking pics but my camera sucks..the brown part is on the bottom of the whole frag where he fragged it..but when i rubberbanded it thats the part that fell off..but now its pink again and i re attached it ...maybe that part was dead?