New critters


New Member
I enjoy reading the wealth of knowledge you guys have and would like some advice.
I have a 150 gal reef tank that has been up for 14 weeks now. I currently have
1 large bubble tip anmone added week 9
2 maron clowns added week 9
1 fire angle added week 9
1 naso tang added week 9
1 anomone crab added week 7
1 fire shrimp added week 7
10 snails added week 7
5 blue legged crabs added week 7
2 red legged crabs added week 7
1 boxer crab added week 7
My tank looks empty. I want to add several more fish but am unsure of what to get.
I would like to add another tang and angle fish but dont think im suppose to have more than one each.
my clowns took to the bta right away and stay to the bottom of the aquarium all time. I would like something that like to hang out at the top levels if possible. Any suggestions on what other kinds of fish i can add that will get along with my tankmates?
I would like to get some kind that allow three or four together.
I want to begin adding corals soon so the fish need to be compatible.
Please excuse me for asking such beginner questions but the more I read the more different views I seem to get.
1. Everything I read says a tank my size (150 gal) should have alot more cleanup critters. I had the brown algae in week four and five but it went away on its own. I did experience a problem with cyno bact in week 7 but some stuff from my lfs cleared it up nicely and I have not had a problem since. The walls on my unit are keep clear by the snails and I don't see any algae problems at present. Do I need more cleanup critters?
2. I cycled my tank with 150 lbs of live rock and 3 inches of live sand. during the cycle my amon never spiked and the nitrites never did either. After I added the bta and the other fish (all at the same time) the chem levels were fine untill the second week they were in the tank now my nitrates are a little high at 5-10 ppm. I have done a water change but they are still at 5 ppm will this go away on its own or should i keep doing water changes weekly till reduced?
I also would like to know about feeding. Everything I read says not to fed to much but Im not sure what is enough. my fish seem to eat whetever I put in the tank when is it to much? I feed my bta two pieces of raw shrimp each day (except weekends) and it take all I offer. I feed my clowns flake, brim, and algae flake every day and they eat everything.
Thanks for any info you can provide