New Curly Q anenomes food


New Member
Received two curly q anenomes in my reef package. The larger one placed itself to a rock at the front of the tank in full view. It stayed there for about 24 hours and then scooted down in between two rocks. I only see a few of its tentacles sticking out. The 2nd one has been hiding in the rocks since I put it in the tank. It has been about 48 hours since they have been in the tank. Will they come back out into view? Not sure how and what to feed them. Can I give them the liquid zooplankton (zooplex). Appreciate any advice.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I apologize from all of us, for not responding to your question. They will move to where they like, prob. because they are new and not use to your lighting yet. Hopefully they will find a better place for both of you. They will eat any you feed your fish except algae, they grow that themselves. You only need to feed them once a week small amount of food, depending on its size. Like other anemone the do require special lighting.