new cycle??????????????

well in my other post about the ice storm i got last week. i lost pwoer for 2 days and had no heat in the house either. well my tank got down to a freezing 64-63 degress. now im testing my water and everythings high
am .5
nitrite .5-1.
nitrate 10ppm
temp 80
sg 1.025
the tank has been up and running for about two months. also just a few days ago i lost my clown that i had for about a month
current live stock
2 pepperment shrimp
2 turbo snails
1 blue damsel
2 blue legged hermit crabs
1 chocolate chip star fish
i need help. A really dumb question should i let everything turn back to zero b4 getting another clown


Your best bet is some water changes and once the levels go back down thne gt the clown. I am not exactly sure but it sounds like die off from the temp change caused a minicycle


Active Member
creatures died in the tank, and that's what is giving you those levels. to answer your question, yes, you are having another cycle.
i would not add anything until you get through it. as a matter of fact, i'd try and remove the existing livestock if i could, until the worst is over. do you know anyone who coulsd hold them for you for a few weeks?