New derasa clam,,,,,,,placement????????


ok well i got a new clam about a week ago. the owner told me to put the derasa clam on the bottom on a flat peice of rock. so i did but the clam still has not put his foot on the rock yet. so should a derasa clam be directly on the bottom in the sand or on a rock.


Active Member
i hv mine on the sandbed. i think what he meant was to place a flat piece of rock under the clam on the sandbed. this way, if it attaches, it is easier to move it in the future. i personally dont think its necessary for deresa to hv a piece of rock.


ok i just did a water change and removed the rock it was on... since it never attached to it. also my tank is a 150 show thats the 4 ft long and 31 inches tall and about 2 ft wide. i have 2- 250 watt mh and 4-pc's with moon lights. do you think the clam will get enough light being on the bottom? i hope so the clam is about 7 inches its pretty big.


Put it in about half way up your Lr with a small piece of rubble under it let it attach then you can move it where ever you want


do you have a pic of this clam?
I just lost one of my derasa clams. He never planted a foot though.


T. derasa as well as T. squamosa, T. gigas, and H. hipoppus are substrate-dwellers in the ocean. they require substantially less light than T. maxima and T. crocea (both rock-dwellers), and do not attach themselves via byssal threads. they rely on their sheer weight and size to hold them in place on the substrate.


Active Member
Just lay him in the sand bed. Mine is about 7 inches as well and I can move him as needed as he grows. The sand bed is more than adequate with your lighting.