New design Octopuss NW 200


Active Member
Here's some pics of my funnel neck NW 200. I just took these a few minutes ago. I've done a couple mods so far on it. This is with three layers of enkamat pf4.Also, I was tinkering around with the airline and the

that connects the airline to the ventury just pulled out. I noticed it was tapered on the end to allow easier connection of the airline. This reduces the air to the skimmer. I took some 3/8 in poly and stuck it up to the hole it was in. Immedieatly I heard the sound of air being devoured. I took some super glue and glued the line in. I didn't get the huge rush of air I suspected after gluing it in. Not sure why exactly but I plan on doing the ventury mod to it anyways.
The skim mate is less than 24 hr. I dumped the cup last night around 6 to 7. It is on a moderately stocked 135 mixed reef.
The water level right now is somewhere between the bottom of the funnel and the top. Who knows exactly. The build up on the funnel has been accumulating since I got this guy, about 2 weeks ago. I believe it is worse than it would normally be in the time frame it's been running as I've been tinkering with it a lot. I've not cleaned it yet.



Active Member
Here it is with some more mods. This I believe will complete everything that needs to be done to this skimmer. These are the mods done thus far:
1.Mesh mod the pump to 4 layers of enkamat pf4(I've got a big gob of it if anyone needs any BTW)
2.The ventury mod. I just used a 3/8 in T cause that's what I had on hand, cut it down some to fit inside the intake, plugged one end of the T, then attached my line to the other, then superglue gelled it into place.
3.Neck seal, this is a new mod for the funnel necks. I took the soft hose that came with the skimmer, slit it open down the side, slipped it over the bottom of the neck, then tacked it down with 6-8 dabs of superglue gel. This seals the connection up between the funnel and the neck.
4 cut the output riser pipe down about 3 in. It was definitely processing too much to handle the way it was designed. This allows a much lower water level in the skimmer.
BAM! Houston, we have ignition!

Pics were taken about 5 min after completing the mods! Can you say freight train?



Active Member
I've got a Dwyers coming. It'll be here some time next week. I'll pick up a killowatt from harbor freight sometime this week. It's a 3" neck. I wont be able to put the stock ventury back on if I need to the way it is now. But If I do need to I'll dremell out the volute intake to accept the barbed fitting. It skimmed all night, there is a tiny bit of water in the funnel compartment,
but just a tiny bit...Making skimmate, but the cups not all foamy like I would like it to be. Just a small amount of skimmate also. I'm going to let 'er run like this for a couple days and see what we get.


Active Member
Now we're talking.
The skimmate is darker than it appears in the pic. There is a reflection that appears to be able to be seeing through the skum...It is nice dark skum.....
About 36 hours of collecting.
Who wants a cup?



Active Member
Pullin over 40. I redid my ventury and dremmeled out the intake to accept the hose barb. I did have to reinstall the stock venrtury as a restrictor. It's just too much water in the skimmer all at once. Pulled the same pretty much, with just using the stock ventury and the hose connection pulled out. So I dont really see the need to do the ventury mod. Just remove the hose conection. Also, I might need to do the Gate valve mod, because I cut the stock pipe down. Now I'm having problems getting the water level high enough with the restricted intake.
