new discovery


As I was trying to clean up the nasty red slime off the bottom of my tank with my hand, I noticed what looked like worms moving in amonsgt the slime and sand in hand. Taking a closer look I discovered that they were not worms at all. Instead I found that they were baby starfish that look like my serpent starfish, all legs. They are white in color and blended perfectly with the san and coral. I am pretty excited and though I would share my findings with you.

scott v

New Member
SWEET! Thats awesome if thats it.
I dont know how starfish mate or give birth but I asume you have a male and female ?


Active Member
Those are mini brittle stars. They did not come from the bigger one. They will stay that small. Good find!


I only have an orange starfish and a serpent starfish. The starfish I saw resembled my serpent specimen. How would I get brittle starfish without having those in the tank? Is that possible?