New Dobie puppy


Active Member
We are picking up our new doberman puppy in mid april. Here is a picture of a couple in the litter. Not sure which one is mine yet, but all look alike.
I am soo excited and cant wait to get her home.



Active Member
Just make sure you socialize it VERY well. We had gotten one when I was growing up from a reputable breeder. All was good until the pup reached about a year old. After that she stopped letting new people into her "social circle". If she hadnt met you before that time you were automatically an enemy. We ended up having to give her up because of this after she bit one of my sisters friends who had just come into the house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Thanks, this is our second dobie. Our first passed away a few yrs ago of old age.
Sorry to hear that

Good luck with the new pup! My wife and I are planning on adopting our first dog next month as an anniversary gift to each other.


Active Member
Congrats. My husband and I have been married 20 yrs, and have already lost three to old age. Its really hard, like loosing a child. we have two dogs now, the baby makes three. I guess we like a house full with 4 kids, 3 cats and soon to be 3 dogs. I must be crazy.
oh, and two fish tanks.


Active Member
Teresa, we too have a full house.
(Getting on soap box) If you can spend as much time as you can with the pup before choosing one, even though they are sisters they will have their own personality. We have two sister cats, Their personalities are completely different.
Dragon, cool you are getting a dog. Get two! They keep each other company and get the biting and wrestling out on each other and you get all of their loving. Trust me it works. (Now getting off soap box)


Active Member
scotts, We did that with our first girl. We watched all the puppys, and how they acted. Our Heidi was the mellow one, her sister was biting and growling at the other puppies. Heidi grewup to be the best dog we ever had. I never had to worrie about my kids playing out side, I just sent the dog with them. she was a couch potato, but at the same time protected our family, and in general loved everyone. I only saw her act like she didnt like someone, one time. It was an older kid that was playing with my son. I made the kid go home. I didnt trust him around my kids anymore. That dog knew there was something up with that kid.
I plan to do the same with our new puppy. We are stopping at the breeders on our way to Tenn. The pups will be 7 weeks. We will pick out our baby and pick her up on the way home. She will be 8 weeks then, and ready to come home.


Active Member
T, Cool deal!
We fostered a litter of 8 puppies from when they were 2 weeks until until they were 8 weeks. We were shocked at how different they turned out to be. A couple cool ones, a couple troublemakers, the runt who was just the cutest little thing and three that I really did not care for.
BTW I realized after I posted that we may have a full house, but you beat us by one or two in every category. You defintely stay busy.


Oh no, everyone hide their babies, the dobermans are going to eat them. Just kidding, I love dobermans. My family had several while growing up. Great dogs, but I remember people being scared to death that dogs were just going to attack them out of the blue for no reason. Probably them same people who think guns load themselves, jump out of gun safes and kill people.


Active Member
Adorable pup! I wish I wasn't afraid of dobies, when I was little our neighbor had a psycho one that had to be put down after it bit two kids in the nieghborhood...been scared to death of them ever since. I hear they're great dogs though.


Active Member
I love this breed. properly trained and socialized they can be the best. Though for the first two yrs, they really like to chew everything.

They are not a breed for everyone.
They are magnets and think they are lap dogs. They smile and talk. when i was a younger my mom had a female that would cry on my mom lap if i called her fatty fatty two by four. She weighed 95 lbs. she would also smile at you.


Active Member
We got an updated picture of the puppys. We leave fri for Tn, and will stop on our way up to see her. We will pick her up on our way home. She will be 8 weeks old then.


So cute! I won't overtake your thread with a picture, but I have a dobe/german shep puppy that I rescued. =) He is currently staring at the picture of your puppy haha.


Okay well he is a little older now but here he is when he was 3 months old, and now at 11 months old! His name is Pooh Bear, he was found beaten and starved in a garage. =(
