new dog face and vol. lion not eating

boat guy

New Member
just picked up a dog face puffer he is in a 30 gallon tank .dose not seam interested at all in eatting. tryed frozen shrimp,pellets,freeze dryed brine shrimp .had him two days now.may have to use gold fish. i will give him two more days and see if he will try the shrimp.wish i could get some live shrimp. and what kind ?thelion about the same he is active and looks like he is trying to hunt.where can i order live shrimp to put in the tank ? i have some small zoos ,will they be safe ? the lions in a 115 galon with others.tangs , some damsales.snails and hermitts. thanks in advance al


you can get any small feeder shrimp at a pet shop for about 30c a piece or catch them with a net if you live near a brackish body of water


Try feeding it raw shrimp chunks with the shell on, frozen squid or frozen krill. Puffers usually like to eat bigger chunks of food than pellets and brine shrimp.