Originally Posted by V-Lioness
SCSInet Thank you and I agree with everything your saying, the acclimation was fast.
Sometimes lions just do not ship well, I always recommend leaving them at the LFS 7-10 days before bringing them home. I recommend that on any fish, many LFS will hold them for you and you can start to wean the lion over to frozen foods right in the LFS. Buy your ghost shrimp and krill there, they are in small tanks, it makes it much easier.
Watch for shedding, you may see a whitish stringy skin floating around your tank, they breath like this through shedding also.
Your lion looks young, you can feed ghost shrimp but you have to feed the ghost shrimp something nutritional before feeding them to your lion. Feed the ghost shrimp, squid, octo, raw shrimp, cyclopezee, Pellets, than feed them to your lion.
I would feed every 2-3 days right now, plus try to wean over to frozen, which can be tough to do, pick up a feeder stick from your LFS and try krill, small chunks of raw shrimp, small frozen sand eels and so on...... Try the frozen foods (thawed) if your lion will not eat, than feed the ghost shrimp.
You want the lion hungry so you can wean over to frozen foods but young lions can starve pretty fast.
How big is your lion?
My lion was in the LFS for 4 days, and looked pretty good in their tank. He's about 2.5 inches body length. He's swimming around a lot last night when the lights were off, and still moving around pretty good right now with the room lit. Although he's still breathing the same. All the other fish in the tank are breathing normal which makes me think it's not my flow, temp., or salinity. What else could it be?
BTW he was in the bag for 2.5 hours when I got him. Was that too long, long enough to cause ammonia burn?
Thanks everyone