New Emerald Crabs attacking Snail?


New Member
:notsure: I just wondered why my new Emerald Crabs started clutching on to the shell of my new snail right in the bag from the pet store. Then one of the crabs, the one that could put his claw into the shell's hole where the snails foot was, started pinching the white foot of the snail. I broke it up because I thought it was hurting it and when I pulled it away, the white snail foot had a brownish red spot, which I figured was blood. Does anyone out there know what they were doing? Also I just wanted to make sure so I am asking anybody that would know do Emerald Crabs eat snails? Please answer if you know the answer to either question.


Active Member
Were the snail and crab in the same bag? If so the emerald was being defensive because of the close quarters. I myself have never seen an emerald attack a snail, but under certain circumstances I imagine it can happen. :D


Active Member
Emeralds are agressive cleaners, he was probably just trying to clean the shell and wound up grabbing the snail. My emeralds are often times cleaning snail shells but they have never attacked anything; but they do tend to walk over stuff all of the time, including each other. I wouldn't worry about him, it was probably just an accident.


Also some large hermts will attack snails of the same size when they fall off the glass