New England Aquarium (Boston)


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Over the weekend was our senior class trip to "Bah-ston." The NE Aquarium was one of our stops so I took some pics. It's not a very big Aquarium, and we only had about a hour to look around, but I did get pics of pretty much everything...
Batch one: 1) Front entrance 2-5) jellyfish.



Active Member
Batch four:
1) Whale Shark (made of fiberglass
2) Turtle
3) Green Moray Eel
4) Shark or "shaw-k"
5) top of the cylinder tank



Active Member
Would have liked to have spent a little more time there, but then again it really wasn't that big, especially after visiting the GA. They were cleaning the penguin exhibit when we walked in which was pretty cool, so I took some video of that. In the the large cylindrical tank (where the sharks and turtles were) I took a pretty nice video of a diver feeding the turtles. I'll see if I can post that later on. I also liked how there were windows looking into the lab, medical facility, and that you can go to the top of the cylindrical exhibit.
PS. I anybody has the chance to see the Blue Man Group while you're in Boston you should. I've seen footage of their other touring shows, but the one at Chalres Playhouse is the best. Very good music, hilarious, and messy.


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I was just there on saturday. It is pretty small but its cool. My favorite part was the huge moray eel in the main tank. It was the first time I ever saw it out swimming around. Very cool


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i cant wait until my reef club goes to GA. that's one aquarium i'd love to go to. we went to the one on long island last summer (wasn't able to go myself) but i guess that's another great one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i cant wait until my reef club goes to GA. that's one aquarium i'd love to go to. we went to the one on long island last summer (wasn't able to go myself) but i guess that's another great one.
Try to get a behind the scenes tour. It doesn't cost too much more than regular admission, and is worth every penny.


Active Member
i gone there every year. i didnt go this year, i havent been since i've been into saltwater. ill have to go there sometime. good pics and thanks for reminding me about it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i cant wait until my reef club goes to GA. that's one aquarium i'd love to go to. we went to the one on long island last summer (wasn't able to go myself) but i guess that's another great one.
I saw a feature on that aquarium last night and have hastily added that to my 'places to go' list. 8 million gallon facility? Definitely a place I would like to check out


Active Member
Very cool. The pics with the display exteriors remind me of the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Every time I see public aquarium pics I remember I need to take my son back to Balt. again soon.


The Georgia Aquarium can't be beat, IMO. We went there in September as an early birthday celebration, and it was absolutely AMAZING. The Whale Shark Tank was massive, of course, and there were tons of different viewing windows. The best window, though, was the floor-to-ceiling one. You feel like you're actually IN the tank. They have carpeted steps set up in front of it, so you could sit there all day if you'd like... There are four Whale Sharks and they frequently swim in front of the windows, along with huge Groupers, Humpback Wrasses, Sharks and Stingrays.
Their Reef exhibit was breath-taking! I was really excited to be able to see large, fat Moorish Idols swimming around. Talk about Heaven! I even spotted a cute Valentini Puffer and told Nick, "Look, there's Diddy!"
I want to say that 40% of their corals are now real, and they're already proprogating their own with donations that were made. The tank looks great, and I am sooo jealous

I fell in love with the Beluga Whales. They're so beautiful and graceful. They had a very interesting presentation, as well; facts and such... They were working on the Penguin exhibit, but we got to see some cute Sea Otters (man, those teeth are massive!) and watch them being fed.
The other exhibits were pretty cool, but nothing compared to the Reef/Beluga Whales/Whale Sharks... They had an anemone touch-tank, a Bonnethead Shark & Stingray touch-tank, and a Shrimp touch-tank. (The Shrimp creeped the heck out me!)
The best part of the whole day, though, was probably the Behind the Scenes Tour. Definitely well worth it! You get to walk on the catwalk above the Whale Shark Tank, see all of the machinery (skimmers galore!) their nursery (they were keeping baby Bamboo Sharks and Pearly Jawfish when we went)their Coral Propogation tank, their state-of-the-art kitchen and medical center, as well as some cool tanks that are up in offices and such (225 Reef; Seahorse tank; Dart Frog tank, etc.)
...I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but either way, it's a must-do when you're there

Their gift-shops are pretty neat, and you can bring home some cool souveniers. Food is a little pricey but that's to be expected... (One tuna sandwich cost me $7.50. It was pretty big, though.)
All-in-all, I highly recommend the Georgia Aquarium. You'll want to go back every weekend!


Yeah, i was back home in NH back in May and made my first trip to the NE Aquarium since i was 10. I was kind of disappointed at the reef, there were alot of baby cardinals when i was there, don't know what it's like now. I went to the Newport aquarium in KY a few months ago, that one is pretty cool because they have acrylic tunnels through a HUGE shark, ray and moray tank.
Oh, and if you happen to go to the Boston aquarium go eat at Legal Seafoods after, it's right across the street, get the Tuna Carpaccio, best raw tuna I've ever had.


I know when the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago opened in the 1930's they had semi trucks bring ocean water from the coast. They could probably do that again if they run out of water in Atlanta.


Ok. i think I've been here. Let me ask, is there a 3-d movie place near this aquarium? I think it's like very close or right next to it??/ If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks~!