New filter suggestions


New Member
My hang on filter decided to finally die last night (it was about 10 years old). I have a 55 gallon reef tank with protein skimmer, about 60 lbs of live rock and two power heads. I DO NOT WANT TO INSTALL A SUMP! Question: Should I go with another hang on "whisper type" filter or a canister? I have read that canister type filters are a mess to clean.
Has anyone had or heard of the EHEIM Professional II External Filter and how it works?


New Member
Not planning on putting much else in the tank, maybe 1 or 2 more corals. Don't want a sump because stand I'm using doesn't have room for one and because of the cost involved in setting sump up.


With that much Live Rock, and a skimmer if its estabilished, dont get another filter. Id say if anything invest in a HUGE skimmer. Let biology do all of the work. Realistically, if you have Live Rock, all the Ammonia will be converted to nitrite and then nitrate. With a good skimmer dissolved protiens will be removed and with regular water changes nitrates will be removed. No need for carbon and all that extra gunk that a HOB has. One thing i would suggest is an air pump with an air stone for surface agitation and added Oxygen to the tank. DONT forget the first successful tank was a bunch of rock and a few airstones, and another tank was done in america by a simple undergravel filter system. Dont get bogged down with filters and technology... just my $.02... the end statement if you want to invest some money in to it get another skimmer or replace yours with a really good big one.