New Finnex 30g M tank


I have read about these and im STILL having trouble deciding between the Aquapod and the Finnex 30g M tank.
I think I want to get the Finnex 30g M tank now because it has everything. I know the MH system with the T-5 fixture can keep anything I want (SPS, LPS, Clams ect.)
I just wanted some feedback on this setup and if you had to add anything besides an additional powerhead. Also, does the refugium (well established) provide enough zoophytoplankton so that I don't have to dose the aquarium with filter feeder food? Also how large is the refugium in size?
pics are appreciated.


Active Member
I started a thread about the Finnex 30M a little ways down. Search function would have brought you to it. It is a nice tank. I have the 150Mh/2x24 T5 lighting over it. Almost wish I ahd gone with the 250, but this will do for now.
I added 2 Koralin nanos but I have 2 of the koralin 1s comeing and I think these will be better. I think the 2s would be too much.


I wondered if you would post. I worship your ricordea tank!
So I hope you didn't already answer my question but beside the powerhead, did you add anything else to the tank filtration wise, or is it fine? Also, is the refugium on that tank good or is it just to jump the price? could I see a shot of your refugium on yours if you use it?
P.S you Ricordea tank is my computer backround, I had to have it!


Active Member
Thanks for the commpliments.
I didn't add anything at first. The tank is capable of performing its job as it is stock IMO except for increase flow needs, but no all-in-one has all the flow it needs. The refugium is quite large and the stock lighting for the fuge seems plenty and of good design. I did hang mine on the back instead of overhead so the cheato would get full force of it.
All this aside, I scratched the front glass badely. For some reason I thought tempered did not scratch, boy was I wrong. Do not use a metal scraper on this glass nor would I recommend a magfloat. If it picks up a grain of sand...scraaatttch. I use my hand and a sponge now.
I called the makers of Finnex and they sent my a new front pane for very little, I don't recall the price, I think it was less than $20 shipped. It arrived in 2-3 days and I broke my tank down to replace the front.
Well, I am never satisfied with anything, so I got the bright idea to remove the back chamber, make a center overflow that contained a small pump to pump up to a 15 high double 1" drilled return to display refugium.
It is overkill and not needed, but I wanted to reduce my tanks as far as I could for the summer (I always end-up doing this till fall) and needed a place for my LR. I packed it in the 30 and the 15 fruge and packed what cheato I could in.
Crazy, but I did keep the back chamber intact so I can reinstall it later if I decided to.
Anyway, the tank is one of the better as far as fuge space and all. Comes with a skimmer too. With my lighting it cost me a bit over $500 shipped so I think it is a good deal for what you get.
And one more theing. The return chamber is just the right size to install a JBJ top-off to make top-off a breeze.
If I had it all to do over again, I might consider the Solaria I think it is called, but not really any of the other nanos out there overt this one. But I don't know everything.
And the thread has pics I thought of the back and all.