new firefish hiding?????? is this normal?????


hi all, i picked up 2 firefish from my LFS, took them home and put them in my 4+ yr established, 30 gallon. water spec's are as follows:
they are the only fish in the tank because i just transfered the previous fish to my bigger tank. anyway they have been in there since saturday, and they have been hiding in the rocks since, and they wont come out when the lights are on. so they havent eaten yet. is this normal? i have never had firefish before so........... please any info would be appreciated :notsure:


I put a purple firefish in my tank 3 weeks ago and haven't seen him since. After reading on here, it sounds like some hide for awhile then start coming out. So far no luck with mine. I don't even know if he is still in the tank. I check the carpet for him everyday.


Give them a little time and they should come out of hiding. TNT as for you, have you looked around the stand to make sure he didn't jump out? Firefish are jumpers and I lost mine through a small opening on the back of the tank where the hang on back fixtures go.


They can hide a lot at first but should soon come out. I have heard they can be jumpers as 27mtaylor mentioned.


thanks for the answers, i can see them shillin under this rock together. should i continue to drop some food in there ( a little anyway ) till they come out? cause they are the only fish in there. i do have a big clean up crew in there so the uneaten stuff wont just sit...
i do have covers on the tank there is no where for them to jump thankfully.


I would continue to feed them. Just make sure you don't do it every hour to try to get them to come out. That could eventually ruin your water quality. They probably just need a little time to settle in.


Active Member
my purple firefish never hid
when he went into the tank, i turned the lights off- he found himself a sleeping spot, and next morning he was out and about.


I have a 54 corner and probably 100lbs of rock, so there are tons of hiding spots that I cannot even see. I have checked everywhere for him with no luck. He's either happily hiding or died and the hermits took care of him. I guess time will tell.