New first tank coming - Problems?


New Member
Hello all,
My first saltwater setup is being delivered this Friday, can't wait.
I have tried to read up for about a month, prior to getting started,
curious of comments on what I have purchased from some of you pros.
AG 75g 48"x18"x20
Mag overflow on back wall.
Magdrive 1200gph pump
ASM G2 Skimmer
2 MaxiJet 1200 power heads
Custom Sump (20g I think)
760w light (2-250w MH w/ 4-65w PC's --2 actinic and 2 10K pc's)
250 watt heater
60# CaribSea AragAlive sand (maybe 20# with 40# other sand)
60# of Kaelini live rock
Reef Crystals salt
ocean blend Calcium
floating thermometer
Plan on fish, soft corals, maybe hard corals or clams later
after we learn more about this hobby.
So far pushing $2K and looking at nothing but a picture.
If this gets addicting- as I hear, it may require a 2nd job!
Thanks in advance for any comments or advice.


Active Member
everything looks good. I'll let a few more experianced people coment on the overflow system. My tank is drilled so i have no experiance there, but everything else looks good. looks like you did your homework
I used dry sand and live sand, and it was a little cheaper. I bought my dry on line for 32.00 for 40 lbs.
Welcome to the boards.

mandarin w

Hi, and welcome to the forum.
It looks like you done some research, but I would add a bit more rock, and maybe a little sand. It is suggested that we use at least a pound of sand per gallon of tank. So for a 75 gallon tank, you should get no less the 75 pounds of each. but should be closer to 100.
I would get a marine test kit $30bucks, (amonia, ph, nitrite and nitrate). You will need to keep an eye on the tank while it cycles.
I wouldn't use a floating themometer. They are glass, and I found that they could break. Look into a little digital, they are only about $10 bucks.
Also run by the hardware store and pick up some GFI outlets, to change out the outlets you will be useing for the tank. It is safer that way.
Yes, this gets very addictive. But the second job isn't an option. If you work two full times jobs then there is not time for the tank. You will just have to give up eating.


New Member
Thanks for the quick replies.
Yes I will install a GFI outlet next to tank, I have a couple laying around from some
remodeling projects. I will get rid of floating thermo, it was just in the package that I bought. Package originally came with plastic Hydrometer, I upgraded to refractometer based on what I had read.
TeresaQ - the tank is drilled with the overflow slightly off center on the back of the tank, didn't make that clear.
As far as LR, this is what LFS suggested on initial setup, from what I have read I was pretty sure that I would need more eventually.
I quess it would be prudent to add all LR at the same time, if I add additional LR anytime after the tank cycles, I will have to go thru another cycle right??
Water test kit? I have been trying to find what others recommend, do I just need a
basic marine pack initially, then later get a reef kit to check on other parameters?


Well-Known Member
"I quess it would be prudent to add all LR at the same time, if I add additional LR anytime after the tank cycles, I will have to go thru another cycle right??"
Not necessarily. If you get cured lr from a nearby lfs and take it right home to the tank it should be ok. I did this, and to be sure, I brought a bucket with tank water with me, and we put the rock directly into the water. It never had any die off, so was fine in the tank.