New fish add in


I finally got my tank set up. Its a 29 gallon with 27lbs of figi rock and another 15lbs of florida aquaculture rock. I bought 20 lbs of natures own dry ocean sand a 20lbs of live sand.
The tank took 3 days to cycle( WOW, is that possible). So I bought a pair of tank raised true perculas and I went to the beach an got 7 snails.(I have used these snails before in a fish tank)
Every thing looks good. I think Im going to get a pc with 2-55watts for lighting. I only want to do soft coral and anenomes. And Im ordering a Prizm skimmer tomorrow.
How does this all sound to everyone? Any suugestions?
Also I would like to a add some sort of gobby and possible a dwarf angel. I like the angel peels but dont know if that will work.
Thanks in advance ofr the help
I say do not get the skimmer.
I have it and it is louder than hell.
Every night to keep my mother happy I have to throw a towel over it.
I would wait a little while longer on the cycleing. Just to be safe.
Also I would not use the snails go and get some from the lfs in case of outside diseases.
Take it slow patience is key. It was about 2 months before I got my first coral.
have fun and be patient.
Adam :D


Active Member
I don't know about the skimmer, but do a search on the top of this screen since it's been talked about several times in the past.
I would get the best lighting you can, add the fish slowly, then try a hardy coral like a mushroom. If all is going well, then, and only then, would I try the anemone. People have a real hard time keeping the alive, even folks with lots of experience.
Dan'l :D


Active Member
I have a prizm and am very happy with its proformance. It does make some noise but try add a little water to the collection cup, it quiets right down! I say get the skimmer, the best skimmer for that price range.
Try a few mushrooms first and see how it goes, id forget about the anemone, you won't have nearly enough light.