New fish...check this out...


Picked up some fish today....tell me what you think.
Fish: LFS Price:
Lion Fish $60
Watchman Goby $30
Flame Angel $40
Porcupine Puffer $40
Panther Grouper $50
Got all of them for a total cost of: $$Free!!!
Not bad, eh? I'm happy with it :)
Just hope they all survive aclimation.


Good friend who owns a aquarium business about 3 hours away came near me to the wholesale fish place and I went with him. Order came to around $40, but he paid for mine actucally :)
Then again, he did buy about 300 fish...


Two 37 one 30. In 5 months I upgrade to a 200gal. Relax..they'll be fine. All are very small.


All are in water now and seem to be doing well... the puffer is kinda tweaking, however.
When I saw him in the store, he was very very calm. Now he is swimming like crazy and for some reason keeps biting the glass...
Lights are off now so hopefully he'll chill out.


you know...I was really hesitant on posting this because I had a feeling you'd reply with something negative. I guess I learned my lesson. You can't at all be helpful with suggesting ways to benifit my systems?
Matti...actucally these fish will be fine with the lion for about another 8 months...until the lion out grows them enough to eat them. Him being poisonious has no effect on any of this. Right now he is actucally smaller than the flame and grouper and puffer, with the puffer being the largest.
Thanks for the support guys. :(


Well I'd like some good suggestions...not just disapproval. And it's split between two tanks, a 30 and a 37.
The person who said this would be fine definately knows what he is talking about, and I'd take his opinion over any one elses as he deals with this much more than many here could ever dream of.
I wouldn't be supprised if one died from the move or stress, but that happens now and then.
Sorry if I came off harsh...just kinda got upset over it.


yeh i think gettin that larger tank first before all the fish would have been alot better, sure u got them free, but arent fish entitled to live to?
like ok u know a guy that said it was ok, and he probly knows alot, but still logically doesnt seem right. Im thinking of a pair of perculas in a 35 gallon, and maybe.. yes maybe a flame angel or coral beauty. Dont buy for the future, but for the present.


Member guys are right that I should have waited. I'm thinking of picking up another tank at WalMart (just one of those cheaper 55gals) and linking it to the 37 gal.


I mean cycle the water between the two...that's all. Through piping.
I'd never do it, but I saw a guy who put a 4" clear pipe through this room on the wall and every 20' or so would have a 20gal bowl front tank. All linked to the 125 gallon he had. There were about 5- 20 gallons. The fish actucally swam all through the was set up very nicely but quite a crazy idea!


Active Member
I think you will be fine w/ the two tanks until you get your 200 set up. Unfortunately , while I do not wish you ill fortune, the flame or any darf should not be put into any tank which has not been up and running for 4-5 months wuth no problems. There are always exceptions. Hope you have one.
For the best chance of survival of the flame, you may have to increase your water changes and constantly measure for nitrates. A sincere good luck.


Active Member
JoeZ- One more thing...beware of the panther...I've seen them geow rather quickly. If there's anyone that might need a change out before 5 months it w/b him. Since he does grow faster than the others, watch out for him making snacks of the others. Good luck.


I know someone who had a french angel and ocean surgeon in a 30 gal.They were happy.well until the tank spontanesly busted.


Active Member
actucally these fish will be fine with the lion for about another 8 months problem off hand is that puffers are notorious fin-nippers. Lion fins are not to be reckoned with.........the puffer or grouper will find out when they nip him.
Are you running eclipse tanks? I hope not. No skimmer for all that waste.
That grouper will outgrow either of those tanks before four months is over.
Good luck buddy. If you are looking for kind words..........Bravo!:)

chef jaysen

Hey man I dont blame you at all for getting the fish when you did. Some of us dont have butt loads of cash and need to take the road less traveled sometimes to get ahead. By the way if you run into another free flame angel .......:D


Active Member
I just got three gorillas for free......the zoo went out of business and I knew the lady that cleans the cages. I think I might only have room for two gorillas in my utility shed but, as soon as I have enough cash to buy 150 acres the other one will be happy too. :rolleyes:


Active Member
I hope this doesn't come across as a flame. If you're more concerned about financials than the well being of the fish, why don't you take them to a LFS for credit, or even sell them. You would still end up with more than what you had before you picked the fish up, and the fish would be destined for a more appropriately-sized home.

chef jaysen

Chuck I must say its nice to see such a nobel man as yourself care about the well being of animals that were gased, tnt'd or netted from the original habitat as you are.:rolleyes: