New fish didn't eat


New Member
I bought a Red Sea Sailfin Tang at my LFS on Thursday. They told me he had just eaten so I shouldn't offer any food until Sunday. Well Sunday came and I fed him a bit of the thawed frozen greens that Tangs are supposed to love so much. He didn't touch it! Any thoughts as to why? He seems to be doing fine otherwise. Swims around exploring all day. Very pretty to watch, but I hate to lose him.


Have you tested your water recently? What size tank is he in, and what other fish are housed with him? You can try soaking the food in garlic to entice him as well.


Sometimes they take a while to start eating since they are in a new environment, keep trying and as molamola said try to soak on garlic....Good Luck


Active Member
You may have to try various foods until you find one he takes to..have a variety. Including some meaty fare such as frozen mysis shrimp. Nori or algae sheets is usually taken by sailfins as well. Clip it to the glass with your mag float,or tie to a rock w/ a rubberband. The stress of being moved will sometimes cause a new fish not to eat. Did'nt you see him eat at the store,or did you just take their word for it?