new fish for 55g?


About 2-3 weeks ago changed my substrate in my 55g from cc to LS and everyone is doing fine. Currently I have LR in there w/...
1 clownfish
1 lawnmower blenny
1 coral beauty
2 fire fish
1 very small wrasse (forgot the name though)
1 serpent star
Want to converet to reef soon but wanted to get my fish done first. Can I add any more and if so, any suggestions that will be reef safe?


Active Member
Well, I'd get rid of that angel first, they are coral nippers. I had a half black which ate up my candy cane and a bunch of buttons. Find out what type of wrasse you have as well as he could be a problem. The clown can also be of issue if he tries to host a coral. If it causes the coral's polyps to retract, it will cause it to starve. I'd recommend some cardinals, chromis, jawfish, shrimp gobies, things like that. Keep small fish so that they produce less ammonia which leads to less nitrates; corals do not tolerate crappy water.
What do you have in terms of live rock and equipment, esp. lighting?


I had a coral beauty in my reef for a year and he never touched a coral. Also have a clown that hosts my frogspawn and never had a problem with that. I would suggest a shrimp goby, there are lots of different color varities to choose from.


Active Member
ive had a coral beauty for about 4 months in my reef, not nipping - anything, and my clwns host hairy mushrooms and star polyps, and both the coral and the clowns are fine, i would suggest another clown (same type) or a goby of some sort


thanks for the input. How many more fish can I put in ? I definitely like the idea of the goby.
Also, should I have all the fish in before I start with the corals and other sorts to start the reef?