New fish from Elmsford


I was in Elmsford NY and picked up a couple of nice fish.One is a white face tang,some call them powder brown, and a yellow salfin tang.They are active,eating and healthy.This jawz place has some really nice fish.When I spoke to the owner he said to just acclimate them for 20-30 minutes and put them right in the tank,no need for qt.He said he qt everything and treats everything when they come in so that when you buy his fish they are ready for a tank.No ick ,no worms,no nothing.Anyway i bought his fish and so far so good.The only thing about this place is that the prices posted are not really the price.Usually it's more!Then you get a BS discount on the fish.His prices are somewhat high and the shady prices keep from buying more stuff from him.Also the more you buy the less of a discount you get because he keeps inflating the prices then brings it down to the "regular" price and tells you you got a discount.Makes me so mad! Has anyone in the westchester,yonkers,bronx area been there?How was your experience?


To start I would not listen to any advise he is giving you.
You should always QT any new fish espcialy tangs as they are ick magnets and in a QT you can medicate where in your display tank if you have any invertebrates then the meds could kill them. Also you do not say the size of your tank but you might get away with one tang in a 100 gal for 2 you will need a 150 gal or larger. Tangs need a lot of room to swim and they also put out a lot of wast as they are big eaters and will bring down the water quality very fast in a small tank. If your tank is smaller I would return them and get fish that will suit the size of your tank. If you have a large tank than you will be okay but QT them ASAP to save your self a lot of problems.
You should also drip acclimatize your fish a minimum of 2 hours depending on the difference in salinity the bigger the difference the more time I have dripped some for over 6 hours not only will it slowly help them to take the salinity difference put the PH also.