New fish ideas...125


New Member
I have a 125 gallon tank (fish only) with the following:
1 Koran Angel
1 Blue Tang
10 Green Cromis
1 Four Stripe Damsel
2 Clownfish
1 Lunare Wrasse
several Hermit crabs.
I have had them for 8 months but I am thinking about adding some new fish.
What would you recommend?
(among the new I was thinking about some "Blue cromis"... I really like when the Green Cromis swim together)
How many fish can I have in the 125?
Thanks !!

small triggers

Active Member
when you say blue tang do you mean an atlantic blue or a blue hippo?? depending on which I would either put in a kole tang or purple tang/ OR and orange shoulder or tomini (or another bristletooth). I think if you try to add any more damsels you are going to have a squabel with the 10 that are already established. A foxface or maybe a hawkfish,,, (something semi agressive that will hold its own against the wrasse) If you want something else that 'schools' maybe 1 male w/3 female anthias? The one thing to consider is that you have 3 fish that are going to get big (if they arent already) and they need their swimming room, so you may choose to only add one or two new fish,,,


If you could get a reasonable Yellow Tang, it would add some wonderful colour. Just be careful of it and your current tang.


New Member
Thanks for the advise.
The one I have is a Hippo Tang.
I would say that the only "problem" in the tank is that the wrasse is a bit agressive... I bought a 6 line wrasse and the lunare killed it in less that 4 hours !!
The biggest fish right now is the Koran Angel, like the size or a hand.

small triggers

Active Member
you could do the flame angel and something like the yellow tang like someone else suggested,,, you just may need to rearrange some of you LR if your wrasse or other tang are territorial,,,


Active Member
I can't believe you still have the chromis with that Lunar, how big is the wrasse? They get meaner as they grow, the angel and tang are the only ones that have a fighting chance long term


New Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
I can't believe you still have the chromis with that Lunar, how big is the wrasse? They get meaner as they grow, the angel and tang are the only ones that have a fighting chance long term
Are the Lunare Wrasse that agressive ?
Would you recommend taking it out of the tank and going for something else instead??
It is around twice the size of the Cromis.


Active Member
id dare to say you should stop at the current list you now have 16 fish in the tank although some are small as the larger species grow you are going to end up with aggressions due to lack of space


Active Member
Yeah I would say stop as well, the hippo and koran get too large for that tank as it is and lunares are nicknamed "lunatics" because of their aggression. Take out those three and you would really open up your options but three large fish already is going to limit additions. Especially since all three can be pretty mean to newcomers.