new fish in my 220


I have had it set up for about 4 months now and its looking better all the time. Today i added a porky puffer and a blue jaw trigger in with (dragon wrasse, dragon goby, niger trigger minatus grouper and a yellow tang. I will probably only add 2 more fish to the tank. The 2 i have picked out are stars and stripes puffer and a snowflake eel. I will try to post some pics when i get time. I would also like some opinions on the 2 fish i still need to add so if you think something would be better let me know. thanks.


hi i have a snoflake eel im trying to sell, you can have it for 20.00 and its about 8-9" long and very healthy. im changing to a reef and cant have him in there any more


i already had my LFS order me one and if its big enough i will take the one i ordered first. I told them to order me one about 2.5 feet long. I should know by thursday