new fish in reef?


Thanks to all who can toss a little imput my why. I recently added a yellow, purple and naso tank to my well established(8 yrs) reef of 150 gal. I added them all at once to greaten my chances of success, cuz I know that the yellow and purple might battle. I'm on the third day and there all getting along so far though I know its early in the game.The problem is with the naso tang the first day he was in the tank he did fine swimming lap after lap, but now he's in the back of the reef trying to stay hidden and it appears that his respitory rate is elevated. I will say that when I recieved the fish the specific gravity was 1.021 on the water they came in, and ofcourse the reef is at 1.025. Even though I used the drip method(eight hours worth) and was damn carful I wonder if it is just to much for em? I wonder if a seperate tank and elevating the specific gravity over a few days would be better? My reef perameters are all normal with the exception of amonia for some reason is slightly evevated, any ideas??????????


Active Member
Your ammonia could be up a little because of a farely large bioload increase compared to whats been in there for the last 8 years. How many fish to you have in there currently? Also, what test kit you use? Many test kits read small amounts of ammonia even when there is none. IMO you've done everything you can to help the naso. The acclimation time you used is considered far more than enough by most but longer is always better than shorter. Keep a close eye on your ammonia, if you indeed have some ammonia in your tank you might want to look into doing a farely good sized waterchange. Good luck with the tangs. I'm sure they'll love a large established reef.:D


Thanks Arron, before I added the tangs there are two damsels and a purple psudochromis. I recently lost a yellow tang that was in the reef for about 7.5 years. I"m atributing his death to old age, he became emaciated over the last year or so, though he ate well all along he never ate much of the reef though. The test kits I'm using are from Salifert. donny:notsure: :notsure: :notsure: