New fish not eating

2 days ago I bought a bi-color angel for my tank. He looks really healthy, good color and everything. He just seems really timid. He swims around a bit now, but usually just finds one place to chill out in the rock. I know since hes new, it may take a bit before he gets really acustom to the tank, but Im asking now before its too late. Now, there just 2 damsels in the tank that leave him alone and don't bother him at all. The only thing i've ben putting in there is brine shrimp. What else should I try to get him to eat? I know they like veggies, what do you suggest? that seaweed algae stuff?


Active Member
Its prolly just getting used to the tank. The damsels may bother it when the lights are out and that could be stressin it a little. Try feeding it spirulina, frozen brine, and there is a specific angel fish food (i cant remember the name) it comes frozen. HTH :D