New Fish Ordered!!


Active Member
I just completed my very first online fish order!! I ordered from here. I was sold on the 14 day guarantee. After buying over $100.00 worth of fish at the LFS after Christmas (used up all my gift cards my family got me for presents) and having one not make it 24 hrs and the other not making it 48 hrs. I decided to try this whole interweb thing.
I ordered:
1 ORA black and white misbar Clown (A. Ocellaris)
1 Flame Angel
1 Lawnmower Blennie.
Got the total over $100.00 so only $25.00 in shipping. I could have gotten up to the $200.00 but I don't have a huge QT tank. So, no free shipping this time. LOL
These guys are going right into QT for 5-6 weeks before being introduced to the DT to join the others. Should I do hypo even if they look good?
The others:
1 Clown (A. ocellaris)
5 Reef Chromis
1 Bangai Cardinal
After these new guys get comfy I would like to add 1 or 2 more (larger) fish. I am thinking of a powder brown tang, maybe a Kole tang. What do you think?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Great, I have my fingers crossed for you, mostly for your existing clown and new clown. As for hypo right away, I would wait a couple of days, make sure the get use to you and start eating, then if you see ick or ??? then start a treatment. Also glad to hear you are QT your new fish
makes me happy. Are you putting these tangs in your 125? Then yes, Kole tang first then Powder Brown or both at same time if they are med. size(for bio load).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/390688/new-fish-ordered#post_3461183
Great, I have my fingers crossed for you, mostly for your existing clown and new clown. As for hypo right away, I would wait a couple of days, make sure the get use to you and start eating, then if you see ick or ??? then start a treatment. Also glad to hear you are QT your new fish
makes me happy. Are you putting these tangs in your 125? Then yes, Kole tang first then Powder Brown or both at same time if they are med. size(for bio load).
Yup. Always got to QT. I was saying either a Powder Brown or a Kole tang. I don't what too heavy of a bioload.
Thanks for the advice on the hypo. I will keep em well feed for a few days and observe then make the choice.


Active Member
Fish will be delivered today. I have to work all day and usually Tuesdays I play hockey right after work. But I am a little under the weather so I got a sub for hockey and will come right home after work. I have the wife home all day to wait for the package. I gave her a quick crash course on how to float the bag then drip acclimate. I am super excited!!!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/390688/new-fish-ordered#post_3462085
Fish will be delivered today. I have to work all day and usually Tuesdays I play hockey right after work. But I am a little under the weather so I got a sub for hockey and will come right home after work. I have the wife home all day to wait for the package. I gave her a quick crash course on how to float the bag then drip acclimate. I am super excited!!!

your a brave man, letting your wife acclimate your fish. "I gave her a quick crash"
I hope for the best!


Active Member
Well the Flame Angle is not DOA. But he is not looking good at all. I do not think that it will make it more then an hour or two. Not too happy right now.

mr. limpid

Active Member
That not like SWF I heard only good stuff about there delivery's. Thats a shame, you didn't even have a chance.


It happens once in a while.....who knows how the box was treated during shipment.....sometimes the carrier pays NO attention to the LIVE FISH and handle with care....this side up labels :(


Active Member
I am very happy to say that I got a call from Mary at and they are going to reship to the FedEx service center. I have to pick them up but I would rather that then going on that cold truck. She said that they will not ship when it is going to be 20 degrees or under. It was 25 degrees this AM here in Metro Detroit. So I have to say that I am very impressed with the customer service at!!!
On a better note, the Flame Angle is starting to come around. He is in the QT and doing okay. We will have to see how he does the next few hours and days. I hope he eats tonight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/390688/new-fish-ordered#post_3462162
It happens once in a while.....who knows how the box was treated during shipment.....sometimes the carrier pays NO attention to the LIVE FISH and handle with care....this side up labels :(
I am positive it was because it was on the cold truck. Plus, my wife (who was home) said the FedEx guy did not even wait for her to open the door. Just rang the doorbell and left the package on the front porch.
I knew it was a posible when I ordered. I am very satisfied with the customer service from Better then leaving the LFS with a fish and having it die within a day. Try taking a dead fish back to them and see what kind of guarantee you get. LOL.


YUP...They have EXCELLENT Customer Service :) Bad thing is they have no control over what happens to it once it leaves their shop.....and Fed Ex is supposed to get a signature from you too


Stupid Fed ex... just a word of recommendation for future reference, try to pick them up from your local fed ex facility. Less morons to deal with the better. ;)


Active Member

Stupid Fed ex... just a word of recommendation for future reference, try to pick them up from your local fed ex facility. Less morons to deal with the better. ;)
Thanks. I will remember that. Good news the Flame Angel is doing pretty good. He ate a little and is swimming around a good amount. He does like to hide in the coffee cup though. I hope he makes it.


Active Member

We need pictures, I always like to see new babies.

I will def get some pics up. So far he is very shy I have to sneak into the fish room where I keep my QT just to get a glimpse of him swimming around. As soon as he sees me he goes to the coffee cup. Lol.