new fish person here


New Member
ok i am new here, and i have a question. i am about to get a 72 gallon bow front all glass tank. it comes with a Red Sea Prizm skimmer. 1 JBJ 48X4 PC light fixture.
now my question is, will this canister filter be good, i am starting to run low on funds but this looked good. Fluval MSF 404 Filter 340 GPH. can anyone give me some information on this.
i am thinking about a 2 inch base of live sand, with i dont know maybe 50 lbs of live rock to start off, and i will add more later.
any and all help is appreciated
thanks again
i am thinking about making this a fish only with live rock and live sand


New Member
by the way, i have had a freshwater tank for years, so i have a basic idea of how to keep an aquarium and to keep it up..


Firt Off:
I use a cannister filter and I think it does a fine job. I have heard of a lot of people using that same filter you have and that must mean something. Make sure you have some powerheads as well to give lots of water movement. They are relatively inexpensive. try not to have any "dead areas."
AS fasr as your sand bed I woudl STRONGLY suggest since you are going 2" that you might as well double up and go 4-5 to get that deep sand bed which is very beneficial to your tank. sand is cheap. you can get good southdown from home depot for next to nothing.
With the live rock 50 lbs is a great start. you can always add later. you will want about 1.25lbs per gallon of water. depends a bit on the kind you use.
Have you already learned about the tank cycle? If not then definately do some research on that here on this board. tons of info here if you just ask and do some searches.
Also you will need a lot of different stuff for saltwater that you did not with your fresh..check into that also.
Hope this helps some.