New Fish Question??????


Hey Guys
This afternoon.... i went an got a percula clown from *****...and when i got home and he was in my tank i noticed that he had white stuff by one of its fins.....
is it ick?????
what should i do????


Active Member
he said "*****"

never buy anything from there again. our reefs are disappearing into *****, not lfs'. :mad:
honestly it sounds like it's diseased. this is the reason for quarantine tanks. a simple $5 10gal tank is easier than contaminating your show tank with something from *****. keep it in there for a couple weeks and see if it has problems. look up hyposalinity treatment on the search function and try that. don't use the old school copper treatments. it might be faster, but your fish will live a half life.


Active Member
i would demand my money back or in-store credit. with the credit you can always stop by to get hardline supplies, food and such. the tanks are connected in banks, so if you see one fish in one tank with any stress, it is flowing through that entire bank. usually two or three wide and as tall as they are.